It all started with the "soon-to-be-hero" of our story in a sort of a pickle; our hero's name is Pat. Pat's firm recently had a merger: unfortunately the incoming group and the existing team just were not connecting as a team. Pat's job was to fix this situation. If the two groups can unify, Pat will be a superstar. If they don't, Pat will have lots to deal with.
But how could Pat unite the team, improve communication and trust without having them sit through a boring seminar about the importance of trust and team work?
After a lot of research an "Aha" moment emerged. How about a fun team building activity? But which one? They need something that they can all participate in, (no matter what physical constraints they had) and could show each team-member's personality plus something that would be memorable. What about painting? Yes, painting it was!
Craftatopia guided Pat on choosing the painting theme that would work best, they helped plan the event and also helped Pat in recognizing some of most interesting masterpieces offered.
To this day the "merged" team painting project is displayed in the break room where united employees can remember the fun they had and the day the two teams became one.